Friday, December 9, 2011

Response to Unemployment Benefits...No problem

In the blog "Unemployment Benefits...No problem," the downsides of unemployment benefits are discussed. The author expresses sympathy to those that are unable to find work in the tough United States economy, and talks about the highly discussed unemployment rates of the country, state and city.  The author then goes on to talk about the circumstances that qualify people for unemployment. The author expresses disdain for the current processes of unemployment as well as employment. She brings up the point that if it wasn't such a difficult process to hire someone, employers might be able to utilize more workers on a temporary basis, bringing some back into the work force if only for a while. She also talks about how unemployment benefits can be more comfortable for an individual than going out and looking for a job.

I definitely agree with the author that the criteria for unemployment should be revised, and that there should be a tighter monitoring system on those that are receiving them. I have a family member that works as a bouncer at a bar on call, making more than two hundred dollars three times a week tax free. This family member also receives unemployment benefits. This hardly seems like a fair situation when you consider the fact that tax dollars of hard working Americans are funding this lifestyle. I commend the authors use of personal experience to make her argument more compelling.